Ultrasonic Flow Meters
Ultrasonic flow meter is a type of flow meter is widely used in industry to measure the flow characteristics of the fluid from the flow velocity, flow capacity, and the total amount of fluid flowing. In addition to measuring the flow properties of the fluid Ultrasonic flow meter can be combined to measure the calories of a fluid by add.... read more |
Insertion flow sensors a wide flow range and long life and can be installed or serviced without shutting down the line by means of a 2” full-port isolation valve that comes with a nipple for installation on the pipe fitting.... read more.... |
Clamp-on Ultrasonic Flow meters are installed simply by applying coupling compound on the bottom of the transducers and strapping them to the outside of the pipe. Clamp on Ultrasonic Flow meters are internationally known for their simple and convenient installation and low maintenance characteristics. read more..... |
Low Velocity Flow Meter
Battery Power Flow Meters
Variable Area Flow Meters
Flow switch
Level Sensor
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