Portable ultrasonic flow meter merupakan flow meter yang banyak di gunakan untuk inspeksi baik oleh QC, Maintenance, Engineer guna mengetahui debit fluida / flow rate. WUF 100J Flow meter portable mulai terkenal saat dikenalkanya flow meter jenis ultrasonic dimana cara penggunaan dan instalasinya cukup mudah dan cepat serta dapat dibawah kemana mana.
Flowmeter portable Flowmasonic WUF100J ini menggunakan jenis clamp on flow meter dimana sensor atau sering di sebut dengan transducer ultrasonic cukup di clamp pada permukaan luar pipa, Karena prosesn insatlasi tanpa memotong pipa atau melubangi pipa maka biaya instalasi dari flow meter clamp on sangat murah dan cepat.
Untuk jenis flow meter portable ini sudah di lengkapi dengan data logger secara internal dan untuk power karena sifatnya portable biasanya menggunakan battery yang bisa di charge dan umumnya battery mampu bekerja pada waktu cukup lama diatas 5 jam.
Berikut performa dari flow meter portable flowmasonic wuf 100J :
- Linearity : 0.5%
- Repeatability: 0.2%
- Accuracy: ±1% of reading at rates>0.2 mps
- Response Time: 0-999 seconds, user-configurable
- Velocity: ±32 m/s
- Pipe Size: 20mm-6000mm
- Rate Units: Meter, Feet, Cubic Meter, Liter, Cubic Feet, USA Gallon, Imperial Gallon, Oil Barrel, USA Liquid Barrel, Imperial Liquid Barrel, Million USA Gallons. User configurable.
- Totalizer: 7-digit totals for net, positive and negative flow respectively
- Liquid Types: Virtually all liquids
- Security: Setup values Modification Lockout. Access code needs unlocking
- Display: 4×16 English letters
- Communication Interface: RS-232C, baud-rate: from 75 to 57600. Protocol made by the manufacturer and compatible with that of the FUJI ultrasonic flow meter. User protocols can be made on enquiry.
- Transducers: Model M1 for standard, other 3 models for optional
- Transducer Cord Length: Standard 2×10 meters, optional 2x 500 meters
- Power Supply: 3 AAA Ni-H built-in batteries. When fully recharged it will last over 10 hours of operation.100V-240VAC for the charger
- Data Logger: Built-in data logger can store over 2000 lines of data
- Manual Totalizer: 7-digit press-key-to-go totalizer for calibration
- Housing Material: ABS
- Case Size: 210x90x30mm
- Handset Weight: 514g (1.2 lbs) with batteries