Senin, 27 Desember 2021

Dwyer TVA All Fluoropolymer Flow Meters

Dwyer TVA All Fluoropolymer Flowmeters are ideal for high purity or corrosive liquid applications. This series of flowmeters features 0 to 10 scale graduations denoting a discrete flow rate.
Dwyer TVA All Fluoropolymer Flow Meters

Flow includes Flow Transmitters, Flow Sensors, Flowmeters, Sight Flow Indicators, and Water Meters. Mass Flowmeters, Controllers, Flow Indicators, and Controllers are ideal for the measurement of flow rates. Flow Switches come as a paddle, thermal, piezo, and shuttle/piston. Flow meters indicate flow rate. The different sensors include dial, in-line, ultrasonic, orifice plate, totalizing meters, variable area, venturi, or with switch output. The different designs of the flow meters have a variety of applications.

Tapered bore in-line indicators for flow rate. Ideal for high purity or corrosive liquid applications, gas and liquid applications, air samplers, and medical applications. Flow meters are shipped assembled and ready for panel mounting. The Series TVA All Fluoropolymer Flow Meters are ideal for high purity or corrosive liquid applications. This series of flow meters feature a 0 to 10 scale graduations denoting a discrete flow rate.

Dwyer TVA All Fluoropolymer Features

  • Chemically inert wetted components yield long life even in corrosive liquid applications
  • Low installation costs with standard back process connections for easy panel mounting


  • Chemical injectors
  • Deionized water systems

Dwyer TVA All Fluoropolymer Specification

ServiceCompatible liquids.
Wetted MaterialsFlowtube: PFA; Float and end fittings: PTFE; Guide rods: PCTFE.
Temperature Limits250°F (121°C).
Pressure Limits100 psig (6.9 bar).
Accuracy±5% FS @ 70°F (21.1°C) and 14.7 psia (1 atm absolute).
Leak Integrity1 x 10-7 sccs of Helium.
ScalesDirect reading, 75 mm or 125 mm lengths.
Turn-down Ratio10:01

Download Data Sheet: Series TVA All Fluoropolymer Flow Meters



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