Sabtu, 19 Februari 2022

Energoflow AG LF Ultrasonic Liquid Flow Meters

Energoflow AG LF Ultrasonic Liquid Flow Meters are designed to perfection for reliable and accurate measurement of liquid flow in filled pipelines using the pulse-time method. These flowmeters can be used for flow monitoring and measurement of potable, technical or river water, oil, and petroleum products, heat-transfer agent, solutions of alkalis and acids, warmed fuel oil, heavy oil, stable gas condensate, and liquefied petroleum gas, effluents, etc. at pressures up to 250 bar.
Energoflow AG LF Ultrasonic Liquid Flow Meters

A special version capable of working at fluid pressures up to 400 bar is available for applications like measurement of stratal water from oil wells.

Energoflow AG LF Process Conditions :

  • for pipelines from DN25 up-to DN7000
  • for flow speeds as low as 0.1 m/s and as high as 10 m/s
  • for ambient temperatures as low as -65 deg C and as high as +70 deg C and at 100% humidity
  • for liquid temperatures in the range of -20 deg up-to 150 deg C
  • in hazardous areas and hard to access locations
  • for clamp-on installation, the process pressure is not a consideration, inline versions are available for liquid pressures as high as 400 bar
  • for fluids with a considerable amount of suspended solid particles and bubbles (up-to 5% by volume)

Advantages :

  1. No obstruction to the flow and zero pressure loss
  2. No moving parts and no mechanical wear or tear
  3. Easy installation and simplicity of use
  4. Easy integration into all kinds of process management systems
  5. High accuracy, large turn-down ratio, reliable measurement and fast reaction to changes in process conditions
Ultrasonic Flow Meters are designed for single-channel and two channels ( four channels under special order). Each channel can be used independently to account for liquid in different pipelines.

Energoflow AG LF Technical Characteristics

ParameterClamp-on sensorsInserted sensors
The inner diameter of the pipeline, mm70…320025…4000
Accuracy of flow measurement, %± 1,0; ± 1,5±0,5; ± 1
Range of flow velocity measurement, m/s0,1 -100,1 -10
Range of operating temperatures for the sensors, °C- 20...120(250)- 20...150(250)
Range of operating temperatures for the electronic unit,°C- 20...60(75)- 20...60(75)
Range of operating temperatures for PSU,°C5... 40(75)5... 40(75)
Supply voltage, V»220;10±24»220;10±24
Required power is not more, W1010

Advantages :

  • Simplicity and reliability in the operation;
  • Wide range of the measurements of volumetric flow rate (1:150);
  • The created archives contained hourly data for past 1024 hours (more than 42 days);
  • Adjustment of a flow meter in the complete set with in-line section is carried out on manufacturer;
  • There is no contraction inside the in-line section; therefore flow meter does not create the resistance to the flow of liquid and does not introduce disturbances into the flow;
  • Automatic adjusting of the signal level;
  • A flow meter is equipped with pulse-frequency output, analog output (on order), and interface RS-232;
  • The flowmeter with the autonomous power supply works up to 4 years without the replacement of battery;
  • A flow meter can be easily integrated into automated SCADA systems and existing control systems;
  • The interval between verification - 2 years.

Ultrasonic Liquid Flow Meters

  • Portable Liquid Flow Meters
  • Doppler Flow Meters
  • Liquid Flow Meter LF-131H for High-Pressure Applications

Download Catalog: ultrasonic liquid flowmeter



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