Jumat, 18 Februari 2022

Flocorp ChannelFlo™ UOCM Ultrasonic Open Channel Flow Meter

Flocorp ChannelFlo™ UOCM Ultrasonic Open Channel Flow Meter is an all-in-one solution for open channel flow measurement. The UOCM can provide accurate measurements in a wide variety of applications such as small streams, sewers, large rivers, V-notch weirs, and flumes.
Flocorp ChannelFlo™ UOCM Ultrasonic Open Channel Flow Meter

Our technology allows precision continuous measurement that allows the user to monitor remotely at the convenience of a PC or locally at the display. All of our ChannelFlo™ systems are calibrated for your specific application before leaving our factory for easy setup and installation in the field. In an Open Channel application, it is very important to have a quality, durable, and accurate level measurement sensor.

Our Ranger Plus™ Ultrasonic Level Transmitter measures up to 35 feet, has (3) Analog Outputs, and (2) Switches. The next component in the UOCM system is an intuitive, reliable monitoring device. Our DigaCom 2000™ Universal Process Monitor is a bright, 6-digit LED display with an internal DC power supply for transmitter power, 4-20 mA repeat output, and advanced communications.

The DigaCom 2000™ is supplied with a remote monitoring software called DigaLink 3.0, which can remotely monitor, receive e-mail alerts, data log, and much more. If you require a pump to control the eXmod™ Relay Expansion module is recommended. The eXmod connects to the DigaCom 2000 via RS-485 serial communication (4-wire) and provides a 10 AMP AC/DC rated relay to maximize the system's capabilities.

Flocorp ChannelFlo™ UOCM Typical Applications

  • Wastewater Treatment Plant
  • Effluent Flows
  • Gravity Fed Sewer Lines
  • Storm Water Monitoring
  • Clarifier Effluent Flow

Features & Benefits

  • Durable, rugged housing for long life
  • Non-contact level sensor to avoid corrosion, build-up and promotes longevity of the system
  • 4" Deadband for a greater range of measurement
  • Adjustable signal strength to target the specific media in the application
  • Temperature compensation for improved accuracy
  • Isolated 4-20 mA, 4 10A relay outputs and 1 PNP transistor output plus RS-485 Serial communication, and
    Ethernet communication
  • 6 digit, bright red LED display
  • Remote monitoring and e-mail alert capability
  • Pre-calibrated at the factory for specific application to provide easy setup, installation, and accuracy


Optimum range

LTRP-10: 2.5" - 120”

LTRP-35: 12" - 420"

Case MaterialPVDF
Temperature-40 to 158ºF (-40 - 70ºC)
Humidity0 to 100% operating
CompensationTemperature Compensated

Digital: 0.0034” (0.086mm);

Analog: 4099 steps (over full 0-10 VDC or 0-20 mA)

 RepeatabilityGreater of ±0.03” (0.76mm) or 0.1% of target distance in a stable environment
 Update Rate50 ms, software adjustable; affected by software filter selections
Input Power10-30 VDC, 50 mA maximum (not including output currents)
Voltage Output0-10, 0-5 VDC or PC customized; 10mA max. (*)
Current Loop #1Current sourcing 4-20mA or PC customized, max. loop 500Ω (*)
 Current Loop #2Current sinking 4-20mA or PC customized, max. loop 500Ω (*)
 Sinking Switch150 mA max. @ 40 VDC max., teachable set point & polarity, fault indication
 Sourcing Switch150 mA max. @ input voltage, teachable set point & polarity, fault indication
Max. Range

LTRP-10: 10 ft.

LTRP-35: 35 ft.

AdjustmentRanger Plus™ Software
ConfigurationStored in non-volatile memory
TransducerRugged piezoelectric
ProtectionNEMA 4X, NEMA 6P, IP68

Download Datasheet: ChannelFlo™ UOCM Ultrasonic Open Channel Flow Meter

Ref: Flo-corp.com


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