Kamis, 17 Februari 2022

Flocorp MEMFlo™ MFVC Volumetric VA Flow Meter

Flocorp MEMFlo™ MFVC flow meters are simple, accurate variable area meters and resistant to many acids, alkalis, salt solutions, and other corrosives. These meters have excellent tolerance to suspended solids and measure flow to one percent accuracy.
Flocorp MEMFlo™ MFVC Volumetric VA Flow Meter

Unlike tapered tube rotameters, the MEMFlo MFVC flow meters have an indicator disk near the edge of the sight tube for visibility even in many dirty fluids. Alternatively, the magnetic indication is available for accurate reading regardless of the media. These meters can be supplied with the MFT2™ 2-Wire Transmitters for flow rate and total.

Flocorp MEMFlo™ MFVC Features and Benefits

  • Heavy bodied meters for corrosives and high purity fluids.
  • Ideal for acids & caustics, deionized water, plating solutions, water treatment & corrosive
  • All plastic wetted components for maximum corrosion resistance.
  • Extended flow ranges averaging 30 to
  • Disassembles in less than a minute without removing the meter from the
  • No springs, cams, or dynamic seals to wear
  • Standard female NPT for meters, or Van Stone style flanges. All sizes available in a threaded, socket, or Van Stone flanged
  • All models can be supplied with MFT2™ 2-Wire Transmitters or FloSentry 3™ Flow


MEMFlo™ MFVC PVC & CPVC flow meters are patented variable area flowmeters using the volumetric principle of flow measurement. These MEMFlo™ meters consist of five main parts including the body/sight tube, core tube, float assembly, scale, and pitot tube. The meter is not a glass tapered tube, rather the media enters the meter vertically at the bottom inlet port and flows upward into the core tube. Then the media flows horizontally through the core tube slot and exits the meter through the side outlet port.

During this process, the media lifts the float assembly in the core tube in direct proportion to the rate of flow. The slotted core tube design gives the meter an excellent tolerance to suspended solids and there are no springs, cams, or dynamic seals to wear out.

When using a polysulfone measuring tube, the flow rate is visible by reading the sight disc on top of the float assembly. When using the CPVC measuring tube, the flow rate is visible by reading the magnetic indicator, which corresponds with the float assembly. The optional MFT2™ Flow Transmitter has an analog 4-20mA or 0-5, 0-10 VDC output to a remote display, PLC, Recorder, or another customer-supplied receiver. Using a simple and rugged design, the MEMFlo PVC and CPVC flow meters measure to 1% accuracy.

Flocorp MEMFlo™ MFVC Specifications

Accuracy± 1% of the 100% flow rate
Repeatability± 1/2% of indicated flow rate
Rangeability30 to 1 average

All wetted parts (except static O-Ring seal) PVC on PVC models, CPVC & Polysulfone, or all CPVC on CPVC units. Standard direct reading (GPM or LPM Liquid, Sp. Gr. = 1.00 or SCFM Air @ 100 psig, 70º F.) or percentage scale. Scales are special corrosion-resistant mylar. Special scales for other flow units

or media conditions are available at extra cost.

 Pressure RatingUp to 150 psig for flanged models, or 300 psig, depending on meter type, temperature, and service conditions.
Temperature RatingUp to 212ºF (pressure ratings decrease at higher temperatures).
 O-RingsBuna N standard; Viton, Ethylene- Propylene (EPR), Silicone, Neoprene, Kalrez, and Teflon optional.

Download Datasheet: MEMFlo™, Flocorp-MFVC Volumetric VA Flow Meter

Ref: Flo-corp.com


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