McCROMETER Wafer Cone flow meter |
McCROMETER Wafer Cone Specifications
- Accuracy : From +/-1.0% of actual flow (certain fluids and Reynolds number applications require specific calibrations to achieve this value).
- Body material : 304 or 316 stainless steel
- Calibration : Sized and fluid calibrated for customer application
- Head Loss : Varies with beta ratio and DP
- Installation Requirement : Typically 1-3 diameters upstream and 1 diameter downstream of the cone are required, depending on fittings or valves in the adjacent pipeline.
- Line size : 1 to 6"
- Options : Gas or oil flow calibration
- Repeatability : ±0.1% or better
- Standard Beta Ratios : 0.45 to 0.85, special betas available
Wafer-Cone® is a registered trademark of McCrometer.
- ISO Pressure Equipment Directive (PED)
- NVLAP Accredited Calibration Laboratory: Lab Code 201023-0
- Interchangable cone elements for different flow ranges
- No-moving parts, No welding on pressure vessel
- Gas or oil flow calibration
Download Datasheet: McCROMETER Wafer Cone