DL76 Data Logger


The DL76 is a battery-powered data logger that can be used with any Seametrics flow meter. It stores pulses for up to 3 years, depending on the user-selected frequency of reading.Indicator lights on the unit flash to indicate when it is functioning and when the battery is low.

The DL76 can be factory-mounted on the meter or remotely mounted Housings are rugged cast aluminum, gasketed for environmental protection. 

When a DL76 logger is placed into operation, it is easily setup using a laptop computer. Data is also retrieved from theDL76 by means of a laptop and can be analyzed on the laptop or easily loaded on a desktop computer for analysis.

*Flow Inspector version 2 software (ordered separately)is required for the downloading, storing, viewing, graphing,charting and printing of data in several formats. Flow Inspector requires a PC with Windows 98, NT, 2000, XP, Vista or Windows 7; CD-Rom drive; 800 x 600 screen resolution; serial port or USB/serial adapter; and a Seametrics DC3 data cable. 
Flow Inspector can be used with an unlimited number of data loggers. The DL76 is a battery-powered data logger that can be used with any Seametrics flow meter. It stores pulses for up to 3 years, depending on the user-selected frequency of reading.


  • Easy to set-up, easy to use
  • Weeks/months/years of data storage
  • User-selected sampling interval
  • Data retrieval with laptop computer
  • Single data retrieval device serves multiple data loggers


  • Water usage monitoring, reporting, and management
  • Custody transfer regulation
  • Peak demand monitoring

There are three mounting configurations for a DL76: Meter mount for mechanical meters, meter mount for insertion magmeters, and wall mount (DL76W). The meter mount models match up to any Seametrics lower square housing. All configurations can be factory-ordered or field-installed. Converting from one mounting configuration to another requires use of MK10 or MK20 mounting kits.


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